Deleting message. You will be redirected to main page when done.
In our online chat you can anonymously send encrypted text and files to one user or to a group of people Choose Continue to create chat |
В нашем онлайн чате Вы можете анонимно обмениваться зашифрованными сообщениями и файлами с одним человеком или группой пользователей.
Для создания чата нажмите Продолжить
Set security options for your anonymous chat |
Задайте настройки безопасности для анонимного чата
Start timeout: if the chat will not be started through selected time, it will be deleted |
Таймаут старта: в случае если чат не будет начат через выбранное Вами время, он будет удалён
Inactivity timeout: in case of connection loss or inactivity for the selected period of time, the user will be dropped from the chat |
Таймаут неактивности: в случае потери соединения с сетью или неактивности в течение выбранного периода времени пользователь будет удалён
A secure one-time link will be generated for each participant | Для каждого участника будет создана одноразовая ссылка
Choose number of participants | Выберите количество участников:
Enter niknames or leave by default | Задайте имена или оставьте по умолчанию:
What is your site about? keeps your logs safe. All the rest internet services in the world keep all your personal data
not encrypted on their servers and may use it for their discretion anytime. Hackers may also steal your accounts
and use all your personal data for their evil purposes. Our goal is to save your sensitive information from any interception and hack.
Is your site free to use?
Yes, but soon you will have to pay to create anonymous message.
It will be always possible to read the messages for everybody.
Why do you use HTTPS ?
We use SSL to protect you from any interception of your text message.
HTTPS means that your connection to our site is safe to exchange data.
Is your server safe enough?
Yes, it's encrypted with AES 256 algorithm and the messages are stored encrypted as well.
What is the difference between Vernam and AES 256 encryption algorithms?
Vernam algorithm has absolute encryption strength – it’s unbreakable for today (not take into account weak passphrases usage).
The length of Vernam secured link may be up to 4096 symbols, depending on your message. The length of AES 256 secure link is
less then 160 symbols and may be sent via SMS. AES 256 algorithm is safe and it takes about 100+ years to hack it as well.
Do the internet services keep my secret message not encrypted etc. ?
Yes, sure. Feel free to read their public license agreements.
They use SSL but the messages are stored not encrypted on their servers.
They may look through any account any time.
How your private chat works?
We use Diffie-Hellman key
exchange and aes-256 end-to-end encryption to protect chat's traffic.
This means that your chat will stay secure even if someone hacks you, sniffs https and get your chat link.
Why should I use your secure chat?
Our encrypted chat allows you messaging online with 2-30 participants. Each participant will get one-time personal link from
you for access to the chat room. You can set password for additional protection. Inactive participant will automated
kick off from encrypted chat without access to chat's content.
How can I create new chat?
Click "Create chat". Choose security options - timeout for start and inactivity. Also you can leave them by default (30 minutes per each parameter).
Then you should choose number of participants from 2 to 30.
Click "Continue" and you will be redirected to the chat room. There will generated links for each participants.
You should send this links to participants as text or QR-code. You can also set a password for encrypted chat.
It should be entered by all participants, otherwise the chat will be inactive.
In the chat room you can see which one of the participants joined the chat and who left it.
What kind of files can I send and receive via
We made file encryption, so you can securely send not only anonymous text, but also all kinds of files: JPEG, PDF, XLS, DOC etc.
Maximum attachment size is 7MB. per safety message.
Why do I need to use Mozilla or Chrome to work with files?
These browsers have less bugs then the others, so we recommend good service work if you use Mozilla or Chrome.
What kind of files can I send and receive via my iPhone?
For Iphone users only the “Photos” folder is available due to the features of “closed” iOS.
Is there any possibility to intercept the messages anyway?
Yes, there is one - if you or your recipient keep any kind of Trojan software on your computer.
Do you keep my messages?
Our safety messages are stored encrypted on the server and we keep them until anybody opens a link.
Could I open the same link and read the message again?
Everybody has only one chance to open the link and read the safety message.
Just try to open the link again after reading it.
Do you log the IP addresses of users?
No, we don't.
We don't even have any web analytics on the site - just check our page codes.
It makes no sense to keep IP addresses, cos all anonymous messages are stored encrypted, and nobody could read them, even our sys admin.
Why do I need the passphrase?
It's optional, you don't have to enter it.
But, in case somebody gets the link before you - he will read the message inside.
You will get a read link with such information : 'Here was your message. It is removed due to security.'
Is it possible to see a recently read messages using the history of the browser, the back and forward button?
No, we took such feature of the browser into account.
Where the message is being encrypted?
Client browser uses random data, your passphrase and the data encryption algorithm of Vernam (AES 256) to encrypt the message.
Where do you store the decryption key?
We do not store any keys on the server - you only get the link with the key inside.
Decryption key is the result of = random browser data + unique random pool data (mouse, keyboard and touchpad actions) + your passphrase.
The message goes to the server fully encrypted.
The key and the message meet each other only after you open the link via HTTPS in your browser.
You read your secure message.
My friend sent me the link secured by passphrase, but it showed me :
'Here was your message. It is removed due to security.'. It happens from time to time, so I get the "dead" links from my friend only. WTF?
This means, that someone is first to open your links from time to time. But he has to keep the link opened until he gets the right passphrase.
If your passphrase is weak enough (like "1111" or "qwerty") he may guess it and get the message. Anyway, you have to be very attentive if such
situation happens from time to time. We suggest you to change your passphrase frequently and make it like `3c&8hnHg)+_9D$6Lkhn Such combination
is very hard to guess and it takes a very long time to try. Also you may insert the link with secure message encrypted by Vernam into the AES 256 text
field and press create - so you will get the "link inside link". If someone decrypts your AES 256 message cos of weak passphrase - they will
only get the Vernam link inside (already read as well) - not the text.
These services have full access to all your private data and they may use it.
These services may be simply hacked and all your private data will go to the attackers.
WORK. main feature is that the server that keeps encrypted message and files has no idea about their contents.
Encryption of message is done in the browser before sending anonymous text to the server, and the key to decrypt the message is the second part of the URL - #KEY.
So, this #KEY isn’t transmitted to the server - server can’t decrypt the message and review its contents.
In practice, it looks like this: you insert text into a web form, press the button “Create” - now the browser encrypts the message with key AES 256-bits, and then sends the message to the server.
Message URL consists of two parts: the first part has a unique identifier of the encrypted message, and the second part is not transmitted to the server, but decrypts the message.
Creation of message
Reading the message
Here is the secure message URL:
The first part is REMD2re7mCCwM5W7PeX8Pg comes from the server, and this is the second one HyyIDX9izPinXCavKs38UPfWmgylXk9fAN is used for decryption.
- no Google Analytics or Yandex Metrics on
- HTTPS connection with AES 256 encryption RSA 2048 bit key.
- any kinds of files are supported for secure data encryption up to 7MB.
- no decryption #key on the server means you can’t reopen the URL again.
- passphrase URL additional protection.
- the key creation process is the result of browser random data + your secure passphrase + unique
random data from Fortuna PRNG algorithm.
If you use weak passphrases – this is the 1st possibility to get your message.
If you have Trojan or key logger working on your computer - this is the 2nd possibility to get your message.
1.Safe communication for sex lovers.
2.Safe communication for lawyers and their clients.
3.Safe communication for journalists and human rights activists.
4.Safe communication for businessmen.
5.Here is your own option…
You may securely paste the URLs into Gmail, Skype, Viber, WhatsApp, VK, Facebook etc. instead of typing the plain text and uploading your documents and pictures like they are.
Keep secure your personal data from prying eyes.
Share your secrets only with the people you choose. can’t review your encrypted messages and files! has no sense to log you! doesn’t need your trust!
Это наш контакт в Криптосе - сканируйте и добавляйте нас
This is Kryptos contact QR - scan it and add please
или скопируйте этот код
or copy this code
Или пишите на почту or via e-mail:
Our site is free to use now. Please donate some bitcoins if you find this site useful.
Here is the Bitcoin address for donation:
Thank you!
Enter your secure passphrase here (optional):
Paste your Vernam URL here and press “Decrypt”:
Chat page reloaded by browser
In case of page reload, chat data is got lost. This is done for security reasons.
We do not hold any chat data persistent on your computer.
If this happened by the accident, a new chat should be created.
There's no way to join a chat that is already active.
This error may be also caused by using browser's navigation while chatting.
Browser navigation buttons are not supported due to security. You cannot
get chat's history or return to a chat by clicking back/forward in your
Creating message without password
Creating message password
Creating message with password and short link
Adding fake message
Creating new chat
How encrypted message works
Kryptos Private Messenger that successfully resists the most common types
of information threats - interception of messages and extraction of correspondence history
Encryption keys are distibuted by users and our server is not involved
You can install our messenger on your private server (on-premise)
Facekryptos - private communication through facebook
We encrypt all your communications through facebook and cutting off your private data transfered to facebook's servers
You login into your profile directly - our server isn't involved totally
Private key is generated on your mobile device and public is transfered through facebook this means nobody can read your messages.